
Riverside walk with Aengus Kennedy

Nature Art Gallery

Visit from Aengus Kennedy


Life under water – Sustainable Goal 14



Junior & Senior Infants on a recent trip to Glenveagh National Park

Pupils pictured with rubbish they collected as part of the Coastal Clean Up Challenge

Everyone enjoyed some mint from our garden on our Mint Tea Monday

Pupils enjoyed a Scavenger hunt in the veggie garden.

We wrote to our local supermarket to enquire about stocking Fairtrade Easter Eggs as part of our Green Schools work on Global Citizenship

Our environmental work continues, even with the restrictions of Covid 19. Ms Carey posted her pupils some sunflower seeds to plant. Sunflowers are very bee friendly and provide the birds with food in the Autumn. Happy sowing everyone! We look forward to seeing photos of your sunflowers. Pupils will also find out more about the sunflower cycle and pollination this term.


On the 7th December the children enjoyed a Biodiversity Day with Aengus Kennedy. They visited Carn woods in the morning for a Winter Wonderland Walk and spent the afternoon doing in school activities Biodiversity Day Click Here

Green school competition winners – December 2018. Click Here

To find out more about pollinators please see http://www.pollinators.ie/

We had a great day of gardening with Cary Meehan on the 20th March 2019 Click Here

In May 2019 the school was successful in obtaining our 5th An Táisce Green School flag for Biodiversity. Click Here

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